Ming-Ming is the 2024 Seafair Queen

Summer in Seattle has arrived, which has marked the beginning of annual Seafair festivities since 1950. This year is a special celebration for the RAI community because our founder and Executive Director Ming-Ming has been nominated as the 75th Anniversary Seafair Queen!

Seafair is a nonprofit organization that organizes the Seafair festival in Seattle every year to celebrate summer alongside our fellow Seattlites. Their mission to “create memorable experiences for the people of Puget Sound through fun, inclusive, and relevant events” creates a safe space that aligns with RAI’s mission to support immigrant and refugee women in their journeys.

As representatives of Seattle that welcome and encourage the city to participate in the festivities, Seafair royalty is nominated “based on their philanthropic contributions to the Puget Sound region and ability to inspire the communities in which they live.” This nomination spotlights the relevance of providing access to employment for underrepresented communities. Employment not only provides a source of income, but also benefits mental health as a source for social gathering. Like the Seafair, RAI’s work emphasizes the importance of coming together to build stronger communities.

Ming-Ming’s role as Queen Alcyone (Queen of Calm Seas) for the festival symbolizes a shared value across the Puget Sound to continue our efforts toward the stability and well-being of our artisans. May calm seas bring us all to safety, and allow the joy of Seafair to spread far and wide.

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